Alone and Afraid, Would Your Child Know How To Ask For Help?
Spencer Coursen -- The Safety Trap -- LIVE on "Break It Down Show"
Had a fun conversation with Pete A Turner and Shelley Klingerman talking all things safety on the “Break It Down Show.” Original Air Date 15 March 2021 @ 11::00 PST
Domestic Shelters and Helping Others: A Conversation with Amanda Kippert, Domestic Violence Advocate
Ready Player 2: Tomorrow’s Disruptors Will Level-Up from GameStop
Protective Intelligence In Action
Preparing Today For A Safer Tomorrow
After a safe and peaceful transfer of power, is America finally ready to turn the page to a new chapter and be willing to participate in our own protection? Or will we revert back to the old ways of doing things and condemn ourselves to repeat past mistakes? At the end of the day, everyday safety really does require the participation of everyone -- but a healthy sense of skepticism, and a moderate dose of vigilance are but a small price to pay for the liberties, and the freedoms, which flow so freely from peace.