Fountain Books Presents: "THE SAFETY TRAP" author Spencer Coursen
The Safety Trap author, Spencer Coursen joins Fountain Bookstore owner Kelly Justice for a virtual Q&A as they discuss lessons learned from Coursen’s decades of global experience as a combat veteran, supervisory special agent, and private security professional to help you avoid life’s most common “safety traps” which often hide behind our own false sense of security — because sometimes feeling safe, is the most dangerous thing we do.
A Ronin and a Remington: Best Home Security Money Can Buy
Learn A Secret Insight About Safety At Your Favorite Stores
In my book The Safety Trap, I talk about how one of the most common “trappings” that gets a lot of people into trouble is the false sense of security which sometimes stems from an improper framing of our own EXPECTATION -- where we may be expecting things to perform one way, when they are actually intended to work in a completely different fashion.
Five Protective Strategies For Stopping Stalkers In Their Tracks
The Safety Trap of "Shirking Responsibility"
Domestic Shelters and Helping Others: A Conversation with Amanda Kippert, Domestic Violence Advocate
Preparing Today For A Safer Tomorrow
After a safe and peaceful transfer of power, is America finally ready to turn the page to a new chapter and be willing to participate in our own protection? Or will we revert back to the old ways of doing things and condemn ourselves to repeat past mistakes? At the end of the day, everyday safety really does require the participation of everyone -- but a healthy sense of skepticism, and a moderate dose of vigilance are but a small price to pay for the liberties, and the freedoms, which flow so freely from peace.