Learn A Secret Insight About Safety At Your Favorite Stores

Learn A Secret Insight About Safety At Your Favorite Stores

In my book The Safety Trap, I talk about how one of the most common “trappings” that gets a lot of people into trouble is the false sense of security which sometimes stems from an improper framing of our own EXPECTATION -- where we may be expecting things to perform one way, when they are actually intended to work in a completely different fashion.

Domestic Shelters and Helping Others: A Conversation with Amanda Kippert, Domestic Violence Advocate

Domestic Shelters and Helping Others: A Conversation with Amanda Kippert, Domestic Violence Advocate

Amanda wears many hats: Advocate; Editor; Journalist; Podcast Host, but all of them are in support one mission -- which is to help those impacted by Domestic Violence to free themselves from the confines of harm, and to then survive and thrive in their lives from that day forward.