Conversations in Close Protection Podcast with Chris Story and Charles Randolph

Conversations in Close Protection Podcast with Chuck Story and Charles Randolph

Conversations in Close Protection Podcast

with Chuck Story and Charles Randolph

It was a true honor to have been invited onto the #CiCP podcast with Chris Story, MBA and Charles Randolph — two of the premier thought leaders in the close protection and protective intelligence sphere of influence. I've been a big fan of their podcast for more than a year now, and each time I listen, I learn something new. I hope my participation in this episode of their podcast will provide the same for you.

Work. Sweat. WIn.

—Spencer Coursen

“From the US Military to ‘Actor’ to Threat Management: Spencer Coursen and The Safety Tra‪p‬”

“From the US Military to ‘Actor’ to Threat Management: Spencer Coursen and The Safety Tra‪p‬”