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“Not everyone will know the luxury of having their own security detail, but every single one of us deserves to be protected.”
— Spencer Coursen

THE SAFETY TRAP — Master the strategies to keep you and your loved ones safe. Threat management expert Spencer Coursen shares lessons learned from his decades of global experience as a combat veteran, supervisory special agent, and private security professional to help you avoid life’s most common “safety traps” which often hide behind our own false sense of security — because sometimes feeling safe, is the most dangerous thing we do.


"I’ve known Spencer Coursen for over a decade. He’s actually, personally, kept me safe in very unsafe situations. He finally wrote a book that gives you and me some incredible tips on how to stay safe in an unsafe world. It’s not to make you paranoid, just prepared, with real world tips I use all the time."




With Coursen’s simple formula of “Awareness + Preparation = Safety” — as well as real world examples of managing threats — you will learn how to develop the skills and confidence to reclaim your own security and avoid falling into The Safety Trap. Take-aways include:

  • Why being “too polite” can be dangerous

  • How to not sabotage your own safety

  • How to identify the warning signs of harm, manage real risk, and when necessary, triumph over it

  • Why sometimes feeling safe is the most dangerous thing we do

  • Your own “personal threat assessment” for home, school, work, and life


"The Safety Trap is a benchmark safety and security reference for everyone. Like all great U.S. Army Rangers, Coursen is leading the way with deliverate passion and experience."


retired Navy Seal, #1 NYT bestselling author of 100 Deadly Skills and founder of Escape the Wolf, LLC, which focuses on crisis management for global companies.


Despite what the news and social media would have you believe, we have never lived in a safer time than we are right now. Unfortunately, we live under a false sense of security enforced by authorities that only alleviates fears without reducing risk. We have placed our personal safety, and our responsibilities of guarding it, into the hands of people trained only to respond to crises, not actively prevent them. Our blind faith in institutions to protect us has only dulled our natural survival instincts.


"The Safety Trap teaches readers how to evaluate and how to respond to danger, how to manage it when necessary, and how to triumph over it when all else fails. The Safety Trap is the best book on personal safety I've read in the last decade."


Chief, Headquarters Security for the International Monetary Fund, retired Secret Service agent and founding member of the elite Counter Assualt Team


The truth is that when we feel safest is actually when we are in the most danger. This is the paradox of The Safety Trap.

When you don’t expect danger, you simply fail to see the signs that something bad is about to happen. But the signs are always there, and staying safe is about training yourself to see them. In easy-to-implement methods of maintaining vigilance, assessing risk, and taking preventative measures, you’ll discover how to be alert without anxiety and know how to best protect and defend yourself on the job, in school, in public places, at home, and online.


"The Safety Trap is a must read book for anyone concerned with not only their personal safety and security, but of those around them as well. Spencer Coursen is one of those select few in the safety and security profession who fully understands how to manage actual risk."


CNN Law Enforcement Analyst, retired Secret Service agent, Managing Director & Head of Global Security, Teneo

About The Author

Spencer Coursen, Threat Management ExpertFounder, Coursen Security Group

Spencer Coursen, Threat Management Expert

Founder, Coursen Security Group

SPENCER COURSEN is a nationally recognized threat management expert and author of The Safety Trap (St. Martin’s Press, 2021.) He is a combat veteran, former supervisory special agent, and private security professional who’s unique global experience has supported an exceptional record of success in the assessment, management, and resolution of threats, conflict resolution, employee terminations, physical security assessments, expert witness testimony, policy authorship, protective intelligence, and vulnerability reduction. Mr. Coursen is the founder of Coursen Security Group (CSG) — a premier threat management firm based in Austin, Texas. CSG provides expert security assessment, consultation, and protective strategy to help organizations, public figures, and private families succeed in staying safe.


"For the people who want to have security in their lives but can't necessarily afford it, The Safety Trap, really bridges that gap."


The Secure Dad Podcast